The Mazeppist

A Transgressive Transcendentalist manifesto.

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Location: Dar ul-Fikr, Colorado, United States

Part Irish, part Dervish, ecstatic humanist, critical Modernist, transgressive Transcendentalist.

Sunday, April 09, 2017

Wilhelm Dilthey

I first began to read Dilthey when I was an undergraduate. I used to keep a framed photo of him on my writing desk and I've returned to his work repeatedly since the early 1980's. Even so, I've never had the patience to stick with him. Perhaps I am guilty of allowing the relatively low profile accorded him by academics to influence my perception of him. If so, I am guilty of Philistinism in the first degree. He was a child of Goethe and a precursor of Heidegger; a capacious thinker with few equals.


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