The Mazeppist

A Transgressive Transcendentalist manifesto.

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Location: Dar ul-Fikr, Colorado, United States

Part Irish, part Dervish, ecstatic humanist, critical Modernist, transgressive Transcendentalist.

Monday, April 03, 2017

Wisdom In Goethe

Wisdom in Goethe is an acknowledgment that what matters most is the open mystery, what can be suggested but not stated...Only irony for Goethe makes wisdom available to us. Such wisdom is hardly the biblical wisdom of Dr. Johnson or the regenerated skepticism of Montaigne. I am not at all certain that Goethe's wisdom is still available to us, whether we are European or American.

~ Harold Bloom, Where Shall Wisdom Be Found?, pp. 180-181.

It would be best then to leave Europe and America behind.

Ex Oriente Lux.


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