The Mazeppist
A Transgressive Transcendentalist manifesto.
About Me
- Name: Sidi Hamid Benengeli
- Location: Dar ul-Fikr, Colorado, United States
Part Irish, part Dervish, ecstatic humanist, critical Modernist, transgressive Transcendentalist.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Wilderness Of Stars

Large Red Man Reading
There were ghosts that returned to earth to hear his phrases,
As he sat there reading, aloud, the great blue tabulae.
They were those from the wilderness of stars that had expected more.
There were those that returned to hear him read from the poem of life,
Of the pans above the stove, the pots on the table, the tulips among them.
They were those that would have wept to step barefoot into reality,
That would have wept and been happy, have shivered in the frost
And cried out to feel it again, have run fingers over leaves
And against the most coiled thorn, have seized on what was ugly
And laughed, as he sat there reading, from out of the purple tabulae,
The outlines of being and its expressings, the syllables of its law:
Poesis, poesis, the literal characters, the vatic lines,
Which in those ears and in those thin, those spended hearts,
Took on color, took on shape and the size of things as they are
And spoke the feeling for them, which was what they had lacked.
~ Wallace Stevens
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Monday, October 21, 2019
Friday, October 18, 2019
Monday, October 14, 2019
Farewell Harold Bloom

As those who have actually bothered to read The Western Canon know, Harold Bloom's knowledge of, and appreciation for, literature, was transcultural and global. His critics could not match his capaciousness, so they pretended that he was as parochial as they were—and then faulted him for their own deficiencies. He was, by profession, both a literary and religious critic, modeling himself after Dr. Samuel Johnson and Walter Pater in the former capacity, and after the divine Mr. Emerson and William James in the latter. Now, of course, his detractors will come out and claim to have been with him all along. And so it goes…
His mind was itself a library.

As those who have actually bothered to read The Western Canon know, Harold Bloom's knowledge of, and appreciation for, literature, was transcultural and global. His critics could not match his capaciousness, so they pretended that he was as parochial as they were—and then faulted him for their own deficiencies. He was, by profession, both a literary and religious critic, modeling himself after Dr. Samuel Johnson and Walter Pater in the former capacity, and after the divine Mr. Emerson and William James in the latter. Now, of course, his detractors will come out and claim to have been with him all along. And so it goes…
His mind was itself a library.

Sunday, October 06, 2019
Saturday, October 05, 2019
Living the Death of God

From Mark C. Taylor’s Forward to Thomas Altizer’s “theological memoir” entitled Living the Death of God:
…for [Altizer’s] radical Christian, reality is absolute nothingness, and absolute nothingness is absolutely real…To say Yes to this absolute nothingness is to discover plenitude in the void. This fullness in no way represses or forgets the emptiness in the midst of life but allows us to live with an abandon that embraces loss and lack as the very conditions of our existence.
Altizer was a Doctor de La Nada.