The Mazeppist

A Transgressive Transcendentalist manifesto.

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Location: Dar ul-Fikr, Colorado, United States

Part Irish, part Dervish, ecstatic humanist, critical Modernist, transgressive Transcendentalist.

Friday, September 21, 2007

One More Reason to Arrest and Try Monkey-Boy

How George Bush became the new Saddam....

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Communicate with Your Elected "Representatives"

Dear Sir or Madam:

The Republicrat-Democan duopoly/conspiracy has worn out its welcome with the majority of the American people. Consequently, here is the plan for the next decade or so: We, the people, will end this war with or without you, and then we will end your money-glutted military-industrial- complex, and then we will end your reign of world terror. Long live the Whitmanian Republic!