The Mazeppist

A Transgressive Transcendentalist manifesto.

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Location: Dar ul-Fikr, Colorado, United States

Part Irish, part Dervish, ecstatic humanist, critical Modernist, transgressive Transcendentalist.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Go Left, Young Man, Woman, Child...

My preoccupation these days seems to be to talk up the Revolution. The present political system in the United States no longer represents the interests of the vast majority of U.S. citizens. The United States itself is a rogue state on the world stage: a symbol of violent lawlessness and oppression. And anyone who has not completely stupefied his or her conscience understands that there is absolutely no way to morally justify the near complete conversion of the U.S. Constitution into the operating charter of the Military-Industrial-Complex. USA, Inc. is not a free republic and anyone who believes at this late hour that it is is either deluded or not paying attention.

Furthermore, no "political savior" can possibly come from the Republicrat-Democan monoparty. The very best we can hope for is a Bill Clintonesque figure who can keep his zipper up while in office. But that best is no longer good enough--if it ever was. Clinton helped to slow the progress of the fascistic MIC take-over of the Federal government, but he was incapable of either stopping it or, better, reversing its course. The present draft of the U.S. Constitution is not adequate for the most urgent needs of the present hour because it does not create a multi-party parliamentary democracy which would enfranchise true political diversity.

Let's face up to the brutal reality: it is time for radical change. It is my uncompromising desire that this change come about and that it be effected by a non-violent people's revolution that will convene a Constitutional convention and create a new government. But, as British historian Christopher Hill has observed: "Revolution happens only when the government has lost the confidence of an important section of the ruling class" (The Century of Revolution: 1603-1714, p. 104). The genius of the ruling class in this country has been its ability to shore up the confidence of its membership through thick and thin. That's not so hard to do when you consider that the reins of government are securely in their hands. The only thing that would cause any member of that class to break rank would be a conscience. But candidates for admission to the inner circles of the ruling class are skillfully selected; I estimate the chances that an enlightened conscience/consciousness will ever breach the charmed circle to be somewhere between "slim" and "none."

Nevertheless, I cheerfully hope for the best, sending my blogger-blather into the far reaches of cyber-space where it is incapable of effecting any change whatsoever. And I go on hoping and praying and dreaming that a thirst for justice for all of the world's oppressed will one day infect the American people. In the meantime there's this...

Or, this...

Hey, pass the the circus back in town?


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